NY Students Injured in Bus Collision Returning from Spring Break

Bus Collision AttorneyThe public received a reminder late Sunday, that bus travel remains quite dangerous, when the story broke that a charter bus carrying NY students struck a Long Island bridge overpass. The NY teens were returning from a spring break trip when the crash occurred. Six students were classified as seriously injured, but able to walk out of the vehicle, and one of the injured had to be extricated from the charter bus. Thirty-seven other passengers suffered minor injuries from the abundance of broken glass and the impact of the charter bus with the overpass.

The original article can be found here.

If your son or daughter has been hurt in a school bus or charter bus accident while on a school trip, you will need assistance to recover the immediate medical expenses and potential future medical expenses. We have a community of Illinois and Florida legal professionals prepared to help you. To receive a free consultation call us at 866-774-1554.

Romanucci & Blandin, LLC – 321 North Clark | Street Suite 900 | Chicago, Illinois 60654

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